School Placement Letters

Pat Hardy and Whitecourt Central Schools are changing to a Junior Kindergarten to Grade Five model beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. Moving forward, elementary students in NGPS will attend the same school for 6-8 years rather than changing schools in Grade Three. It also allows us to better distribute the additional needs of young students to balance demands and supports in both schools.
Students will be assigned to either Pat Hardy Elementary School or Central Elementary School based on the address the school has on file. Letters will be sent home on Monday, May 8th, identifying each student's school. Students living on the hill and in most of Whitecourt's rural areas will attend Pat Hardy. Students living in the valley and West of the McLeod River (Highway 32) will attend Central Elementary. A map identifying both school zones is attached.
Some families may wish to have their child attend a different school than the one associated with their address. Depending on enrollment numbers in the school and each grade, limited spaces may be available for such changes. Forms to request a school of choice are available at both Elementary Schools, NGPS Division Office, and online at